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Nasal septum reconstruction is a surgical procedure that repairs the nasal septum, which is the boney and cartilaginous structure that separates the nasal cavities. Nasal Septum Reconstruction can help relieve nasal congestion, snoring, recurrent sinus infections, facial pressure and intolerance of CPAP.
A maxillary antrostomy is a procedure that clears the maxillary sinus, which is located under the eye and next to the nasal cavity. Benefits include easier breathing, reduced frequency of sinus infections, decreased facial pressure, and improved distribution of topical medication.
An ethmoidectomy is the removal of infected tissue and bone in the ethmoid sinuses (which are located between the eyes and the nasal bridge) that are blocking natural drainage. Benefits include easier breathing, reduced frequency of sinus infections, decreased facial pressure, and improved distribution of topical medication.
A sphenoid sinusotomy is a surgical procedure that treats the inflammation of the sphenoid sinuses, which are located behind the ethmoid sinuses. Benefits include easier breathing, reduced frequency of sinus infections, decreased facial pressure, and improved distribution of topical medication.
A frontal sinusotomy is a procedure that creates a permanent opening from the frontal sinus to the nose. This treatment may be recommended for patients who suffer from recurring frontal sinus infections. Benefits include easier breathing, reduced frequency of sinus infections, decreased facial pressure, and improved distribution of topical medication.
The inferior turbinates are two structures made of bone and soft tissue that warm and moisturize the air inhaled through the nasal passages. When enlarged, they can cause difficulty in breathing, severe snoring, chronic nose bleeds, and sinus infections. Submucuous resection of interior turbinates is a surgical procedure that effectively treats these symptoms by reducing the size of the inferior turbinates.
A tonsillectomy is the surgical removal of the palatine tonsils, which are located in the back of the throat. It can be an effective treatment for patients who suffer from frequent tonsillitis, sleep apnea, swollen tonsils, and persistent deep snoring.
Adenoids are the lymphoid tissue located behind the nasal passages. An adenoidectomy (removal of the adenoids) may be recommended if swollen adenoids are the cause for the following symptoms: difficulty in breathing and swallowing, frequent ear infections, and persistent sore throat.
Some nasal fractures can be corrected without having to break any bone. When the bone is simply displaced, a “closed reduction” can be administered, which involves popping the nasal bone back in its proper place. The treatment is usually performed under general anesthesia.
Epistaxis is the medical term for nasal bleeding. We offer many treatments to effectively control recurrent epistaxis, which are recommended based on the specific cause of the bleeding.
This is a diagnostic procedure that allows for a full view of the vocal folds and other laryngeal structures. This procedure is done under general anesthesia and is recommended when flexible laryngoscopy is not tolerated, or for further evaluation of laryngeal/pharyngeal abnormalities.
This treatment effectively treats a swollen Eustachian tube (a narrow canal that connects the back of the nose to the middle ear) by inserting a balloon through the nose and into the Eustachian tube. The balloon is carefully inflated to allow air and mucus to flow through, reducing pressure on the middle ear and ear drums. Once the Eustachian tube has been widened, the balloon is deflated and removed.
This is the surgical removal of the submandibular gland, which is a large salivary gland located below the lower jaw. This procedure is usually performed for chronic infection, salivary gland stones, and tumors of the salivary gland.
This procedure involves removing a small part of a lymph node (sometimes the removal of an entire lymph node), which is then sent to a pathologist for further tests and diagnosis.
A mastoidectomy is the surgical removal of infected mastoid air cells, which are located behind the ears. This procedure may be recommended if an ear infection has proven resistant to other forms of treatment.
A myringotomy may be recommended to relieve pressure on the ear caused by excess fluid or pus buildup in the middle ear. This surgical procedure involves making an incision to the eardrum, which drains the accumulated fluid. A tube is then inserted into the middle ear to keep the fluid from re-accumulating.
A parotidectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the parotid gland, which is the largest salivary gland in the body. This treatment is usually recommended when a tumor is detected in the gland.
Vocal fold lesions can cause hoarseness and inflammation of the vocal cords. If medical therapy fails, vocal fold lesions can be treated effectively with surgery, which removes the lesions and relieves hoarseness once recovery is complete.
The internal nasal valve works to manage air flow while breathing. When the valve collapses, symptoms such as difficulty breathing and nasal congestion may occur. This surgical procedure repairs the internal nasal valve to restore normal breathing.
This procedure is the surgical reconstruction of affected areas of the face after removal of malignant lesions.
A tympanoplasty is the surgical reconstruction of the eardrum (tympanic membrane) and/or the ossicles (small bones) of the inner ear.
This is a diagnostic procedure that requires removing some tissue from the vocal folds and sending the sample to a pathologist for further testing and diagnosis.
Vocal fold injections are effective treatments for improving vocal quality and swallowing function. The procedure requires the injection of a gel or other type of filler into the vocal folds.
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